Support Financial Literacy

  • Keep in touch and spread the word.

    • Subscribe to our newsletter.

    • Share our work with family, friends, and colleagues.

  • Sponsor a student’s future.

    • Use the Amazon Smile link (right) to shop. Amazon will pay it forward to The Finance Lab!

    • We act on the same principles we teach. In an effort to minimize fees, we currently use the following payment methods for donors to have greater discretion over their gifts:

      • Give through Venmo (@financelab). Comment “2022” to directly fund our next cohort!

      • Send a check to:

        The Finance Lab

        128 Berry Creek

        Folsom, CA 95630

  • Become a partner.

    • Have an idea or resource that fits well with our mission?

    • Have a question or comment?

Our Partners

We also partner locally with Wells Fargo Bank (Huntington Beach), UC Irvine Law (Community and Economic Development Clinic), and UC Irvine School of Social Sciences (Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion). We thank all our partners and our donors for their early and continued support!

We would love to hear from you. Reach out using the form below!